This particular fountain, designed by Studio Associato DMR in Milan, is located in the court in front of the main building of Studio 20 of Videotime TV production centre in Cologno Monzese. The customer specifically required that no restrictions should occur on account of free access to the vehicles transporting equipment and costumes to the TV studies. So, they need a structure capable of appearing and disappearing on request but still providing for best possible use of the surrounding space. Furthermore, the hydraulic and light technical components placed underneath the flooring were to ensure safe travel of heavy vehicles too.
From a decorative point of view, the fountain was to represent a virtual watch with a central misty water column and twelve intermittent jets placed all around the circumference marking passing of the time.
For enhanced night scenic effects, the water shapes are illuminated by white spotlights, protected by stainless steel grids suitably designed by Watercube to avoid any reduction of the light beam. The fountain has been often used as a TV show setting and as a background for photographic services of national magazines.